The furcula of a bird is commonly referred to as a wishbone or merry thought because of the tradition that when two people hold the two sides of the bone and pull it apart, the one who gets the larger part will have a wish granted. The wisher who breaks off a larger section of bone is assumed to have his wish granted. Alternately, the winner of this contest may choose to transfer the fragment of the bone, along with the wish, to a person of his choosing. Because this is commonly a Thanksgiving tradition, this bone is also called the Thanksgiving bone.

It was so amazing to see one of the gem of Ettika fashion jewelry in the range of charm bracelets as the wishbone bracelets,be it Color Blend Satin Cord Braided Wrap Bracelet or the leather and chain wrap bracelet clasped with a tiny wish bone design, simply alluring you to have one in your collection. Tie the bracelet around your wrist and make a wish, legend has it that when the bracelet naturally wears off and breaks your wish should come true.

It was so amazing to see one of the gem of Ettika fashion jewelry in the range of charm bracelets as the wishbone bracelets,be it Color Blend Satin Cord Braided Wrap Bracelet or the leather and chain wrap bracelet clasped with a tiny wish bone design, simply alluring you to have one in your collection. Tie the bracelet around your wrist and make a wish, legend has it that when the bracelet naturally wears off and breaks your wish should come true.