
Friday, September 7, 2012

When Jane has Her Date with Paul

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It was a complex chemistry altogether, both Jane and Paul is from two different poles. Jane is a research fellow of Bio Chemistry, and Paul is an aspiring sound technician, a chalk and cheese combination you may say, still it keeps on continuing.

Women Bracelets JewelryIn fact, apart from the spectrophotometer and acrid smell of fumes and acids there in lab, apart from the late night study, it is virtually nothing that is there in her life, in fact, she does not have the time even. But the world has changed when she was introduced to Paul by one distant friend, his craggy face; sharp sense of humor is enough to trigger the brain cells to channelize the responses in a different direction. The second visit, she was gifted a gold bracelet.

Till few days back she was unaware of the thing called fashion, now many a time she stands in front of the mirror. While asking about the maker, it was shunned with the mysterious smile, the best expression she has ever seen or she perhaps becomes too lovelorn. 
After prodding, se came to hear the name for the first time in her life, he called it Ettika. The next day, as she searched Ettika in her laptop, her collogues felt bemused, she was awe stuck. What a plethoric collection they have in the segment of Gold bracelet for women! She also searched for something for Paul, yet that is there too. Now it is the Paul who will be beamed. She has enough money to offer the friendship bracelet for him.



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